Creative Wife Life

I’m a mom and that is enough.


wp-1469192732050.jpgI think that women have this crazy amount of pressure on themselves. I’m just talking about women in general. Whether you work outside of the home, inside the home, have no kids, have four kids, own a set of giraffes, studying in school, starting a business, a new wife, or single…women have this pressure on them. A pressure to be more, a pressure to be better, and a pressure to have it ALL together. I guess a man could say the same thing. In fact, I know my husband I have spoken about this in the past….but I guess I am speaking from my point of view as a woman of course.

wp-1469193128988.jpgI remember when I first got married, I had all of these expectations on MYSELF. Sure Carey had expectations for me, and I had expectations for him…but I had some heavy standards for myself. A wife should do this, a wife should do that… and then when we had our daughter, my expectations went through the roof. A mother and wife should do this, a mother and wife should do that…oh Lord, it makes me tired just thinking about it.

The truth is…I’ve worked full-time, part-time, overnight, went to school full-time, had a kid in daycare, now I stay at home with our daughter and I have to say that the same pressure has existed throughout all of those scenarios mentioned above.

Let’s just say I am a work in progress.

I’m learning to…


As I venture into homeschooling this Fall, I am becoming increasingly aware that one of my top priorities is going to be educating my daughter. I will be her teacher. Like an actual teacher. I am not just casually introducing concepts for fun with the hopes that she will learn something…anything (which is something that I am a BIG fan of by the way), but I am actually responsible for her education. This is quite a responsibility. However I have to remember not to put up those gigantic standards again. I have caught myself doing it, and I’ve had to bring myself back to reality.

Along with homeschooling Ryleigh, I am a wife, a Christian that is over two ministries in our church, a writer, a vlogger, a budding entrepreneur, and me.

I’m me.

A Christian, a wife and a mother…and that is enough.


Have you put lots of pressure on yourself?

One thought on “I’m a mom and that is enough.

  1. Great, great, great topic! After I read it, I asked myself, do I have pressure.🤔 I really thought about it for a minute. What comes to mind is, BALANCE! Over the 5 years, my life changed ALOT! From singleness to marriage; no kids to kids, career outside the home to parenting inside the home and currently outside and inside. With every change, it has been essential for balance. I’ve been blessed with an AWESOME hubby. We work together as a team however, it takes balance and a lot of prayer, fasting, and communication. I think if pressure exists, it is to ensure the kids have everything they NEED spiritually and naturally now and in the future [as we are directed]. We don’t pretend or put up fronts…now that would be pressure!! 🙃 I like simplicity and as a engineer (career-wise) I leverage every chance I get. Simplicity + Balance = Peace 🤗

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