
Our Homeschool Curriculum Choices




We will be doing our core subjects, as well as a few fun extras this year for our Kindergarten Homeschooling Year.

Language Arts


Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons was a textbook that came highly recommended. It is an old-school text that focuses on learning words phonetically. I can’t wait to get into this.


One of three texts that I bought from DK Workbooks is the Language Arts text. It begins very slowly and then builds concepts upon each other.

These books were very cheap, and are going to be used for filling in. If we have extra time, or Ryleigh wants to do something else, she can pick these up and work on them. However she has a ton of these books already at her disposal.

wp-1471620067190.jpg She will also be doing sight words! This is from!!!



This will be our main math text that we will be using. Like the language arts text, it starts slow, and then builds upon concepts.


I got these books at our dollar store. I love them! They are super colorful and Ryleigh really likes them to. We’ve already started using them. We’ll start with Addition, and then move on to Subtraction towards the end of Ryleigh’s school year.

To help with adding and subtracting, I picked up these wooden blocks…

They were only $1. They are small, so I wouldn’t recommend using for smaller kids, but for Ryleigh’s age, it’s perfect. She can use them for patterning, and her math sentences.


This is another math printout. We will be doing this for our first week of math in class. Nice, easy, and slow to begin with.



Another DK Workbook choice (they were cheap on Amazon). Ryleigh will be doing a Science lesson once a week. I can’t wait for this. I’m sure she’ll have fun and will be picking up tons of new concepts.

Social Studies

I mentioned in my prior post about scheduling and curriculum that Ryleigh will be doing Social Studies this year. We will be learning a plethora of things (mostly in monthly units). I have to go through the year and decide what we will be learning or studying for each month. For example…

  • September: All About Me/My Body
  • October: All About Fall
  • November: All About Thanksgiving/ Being Thankful
  • December: Christmas, What does it Mean?
  • January: All About Winter

It could go on and on, but the idea is to take a topic and expand on it by including activities, arts and crafts, printouts, and whatever else you can add to bring the subject to life.

As mentioned above we are doing an “All About Me” unit study for September.


This packet is super cute and FREE from!!!

We’ll be going over this for the first couple of weeks, and then moving on to her body and body parts. We’ll end with a giant poster that is the shape of her body, that will be labeled and hung on the wall. I can’t wait to do this! I thought this would be fun for her to start off with.

Art & Music

This is probably my most “unschooled” or unplanned area of our curriculum. This will really be student led. Ryleigh can choose to trace, paint, mold, cut & glue, or just color. She can mostly choose. I say “mostly” because some days I can lead her, for instance I can write a simple story and she can draw it out, but she can do this all on her own. For music I’ll have different kinds of music playing and then we can discuss what kinds of music it is, and maybe the instruments that are playing. Ryleigh LOVES music, and I’m sure she enjoy and fascinated by salsa, opera, classical, jazz, and gospel music. Later on, I can do some simple scales on the piano, and then she can copy me. Teaching her to play the piano can be a part of our curriculum in the future. 

My Kindergarten Notebook

If you have not heard of Confessions of a Homeschooler, you must scour her blog ASAP! I discovered her months ago, and just could not wait to utilize her FREE printouts. This book will be used near the beginning of the day to reinforce weather, numbers, days of week, the month, and writing practice. LOVE IT!


Something Biblical related will happen everyday. After we pray, and eat breakfast we will be starting out with scripture writing, and memorization. Here is what we will be using for the first few months of school.



Sorry about the glare! Each week we will be focusing on a scripture. For example…

  • Monday: Look at the focus scripture, locate in Bible, talk about the Book that it’s located in, and the general location (old/new testament).
  • Tuesday: Look at scripture, and write it down
  • Wednesday: Write down scripture again while saying it.
  • Thursday: Work on memorization


Ryleigh insisted on taking this picture. I guess she is excited.

If you have any questions…let me know.

Breathe Monique…Breathe


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