
A New Schedule For Our Homeschool


Hey All!

I thought that it would be good to update you on how our scheduling is going. The last time I gave you any idea of a homeschool schedule was back in August 2016 and things have drastically changed!

Here is what I posted several months ago for your reference:


Ha ha ha… I actually have to laugh out loud at this schedule because it has changed so much…but for the better of course!


Below is my actual schedule for the upcoming week. 

February 6th – February 10th

February Focus: Valentine’s Day/ The Five Senses


Day 1: Prayer and Reading of Scripture: 1 Cor. 13:4

Day 2: Prayer and Reading of Scripture: Col 3:14

Day 3: Prayer and Reading of Scripture: 1 Peter 4:8

Day 4: Prayer and Reading of Scripture: 1 Cor. 16:14


Day 1: Read & Color, Spelling Test (Blue, Love, Two, Hat)

Day 2: TYCTR #67

Day 3: Writing Prompt, SW: “heart”

Day 4: TYCTR #68


Question of the Week: What do you know about Valentine’s Day?

Calendar Time: January/Winter/Days and Months

Morning Work: Current Location and Quick Geography


Day 1: Cookie Word Problem (Addition)

Day 2: MME: P.16

Day 3: Cookie Word Problem (Subtraction)

Day 4: MME: P.17


Day 1: Playdough & Paint

Day 2: Free Play/ Crafts

Day 3: Heart Craft

Day 4: Free Play/ Crafts

There you have it! No timed schedule, but more of a list format that gives a recommendation for the day.

  • I still have snacks and lunch within our day, but it’s not scheduled and can sometimes be pushed to the end of the school day.
  • We don’t start at 8:45 everyday…it’s more like anywhere between 10-11 a.m. and ending anywhere between 12 and 1:30 pm. *Goal: Start at 9:30 and end at 12:00*
  • We don’t do social studies, but instead do a monthly focus and center most of our activities around that topic. For instance for January we were focused on “Winter” and we completed so many art, math, and language art activities that were Winter focused.
  • We have added in Geography (which has some aspects of social studies).
  • I just recently switched around “Language Arts” and “Morning Work” because Ryleigh needs all of her concentration and focus on reading, so I chose to tackle that just after our devotions.
  • We also don’t have “computer time”, but she has screen time after her schoolwork is completed.
  • I stopped doing Science around October, but had picked it back up in January. We still do lots of Art and listen to music on a daily basis.
  • We read at night before bed time, because we usually have reading during one of our lessons in the daytime.

Questions? Please ask them below I would love to engage in a conversation with you!

Here is a recent video…


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