Christian Living · Fashion

9 Things I’ve Learned About Marriage

wp-1467145345752.jpgThe title is pretty self-explanatory, so I’ll just get right to it.

However I have to say that I managed to get my hubby to take a few more pictures…so I’ve included some fashion pics as well. Yay…two for one!

wp-1467141241384.jpgI can’t even tell you how many times Carey and I would disagree on something because we looked at a situation completely different. Now, I’ve learned (and am actively learning) to take a deep breath, step back and look at the situation more clearly instead of reacting based on my own personal perceptions. #careyrefusestosmileforpictures

wp-1467141633397.jpgI learned this from some seminar, or some book a while ago, but it’s a life saver. When Carey and I anticipate each others needs we are much happier. For example I know that Carey likes to eat right when he gets home from work. So, I make sure dinner is ready shortly after his arrival. On the other hand, Carey knows I like certain items at the grocery store, and he will pick them up for me randomly when he is there, without me asking.

wp-1467142682667.jpgDoes this require an explanation? I don’t think so…but just in case you need further explanation. Words are powerful. So, it matters what I say to Carey, and what I say about Carey in and out of his presence.

wp-1467141640931.jpgLaughing feels so good. I have to admit that Carey makes me laugh all of the time. I have learned that this is instrumental in my marriage.

wp-1467143064064.jpg🙂 This is a little funny to me because I call Carey “Carebear”…so…it just fits our marriage so well. However the truth is, Carey and myself can both be “bears” at times. Maybe we are frustrated, tired, stressed etc. I have learned when to give space and time to my husband, and he has learned this as well. This is essential to my marriage.

wp-1467142087403.jpgThis is super important. However it was a hard lesson for me to learn. I learned it when I became a mom…but I didn’t learn it as soon as I became a wife. Being a wife, sometimes meant that I had to be selfless. I had to put his needs before my own, and he has done this for me too! This is difficult, I am a work in progress.

wp-1467142103005.jpgCarey and I are still mastering this. We just don’t always make this a priority. However over the last couple years it has creep back up to the top. We are each others soul mates, best friends, and partners. We should make “having fun” a priority.

wp-1467142298905.jpgI would be lying if I told you that we have not had some rough patches in our marriage. However we have had some beautiful moments, and amazing times. If this last year has taught me anything, it has pushed me to be grateful, patient, and to seek joy in the darkest of times.

wp-1467142306655.jpgPraying with and for my husband has always broken down walls of frustration, confusion, or out right anger in my marriage. It has bound us together, strengthened our ministry, and aligned us with God’s purpose in our lives. It is the glue that binds us together.  

…9 years and counting…

Carey’s Outfit: Again, I am not entirely sure how much he paid for anything, however most of clothing is from Kohls.

My Outfit: You’re gonna laugh or shake your head…but everything was free (given) to me, except the belt ($3) and the scarf that was featured in this blog post.




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