Christian Living

What God Has Joined Together {Happy Anniversary!}

IT’S OUR NINE YEAR ANNIVERSARY and to celebrate I wanted to feature nine different pictures of my hubby and I!!!

#1 This was taken on our honeymoon! We went to New Port RI. It was an amazing time! Look how young and stress-free we look!


#2 This picture was at Youth Congress August 2009!


youth congress

#3. This was at a wedding we went to last year. May 2015. I got that jacket for $2.99 by the way 🙂


#4. This was our anniversary trip from July 2014. We went to New Hampshire. This was a gorgeous location.


#5. This is probably one of my favorite photos {because Carey is actually smiling…kinda}. This was taken in March 2012.


#6. This was taken around the Thanksgiving/Christmas Season of 2009.

carey and me

#7. This was taken at Winterfire! An amazing conference that is held every year 🙂 I believe this was from February 2009.


#8. This was taken a couple weeks ago. 🙂 I love our outfits, and the background…and the cheek kiss doesn’t hurt 😉


#9. At our wedding. July 7, 2007 at approximately 4:45 p.m. 🙂


Happy Anniversary My Love.


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